Pet Grooming Services

Dog Grooming

Trim Time employees look for health problems of which their owners may not be aware, such as; ear infections, tumors, cysts or skin problems. If necessary, we suggest you take your pet to your veterinarian. Regular grooming is important for your pet’s well being.

We specialize in elderly animals, known as senior citizens.  All of our groomers set aside extra time for these animals.  Since many of these animals cannot stand for long periods of time we are experienced in doing a basic grooming while they are laying down.

Young pets also need a bit of extra time for grooming, nail trimming and ear cleaning.  We work to ensure that young pets receive the special attention needed to acclimate them to grooming and pet center socialization.  Once your young pets receive their inoculations we encourage you to schedule them for regular visits to Trim Time.  Through early acclimation to loving and caring grooming your pets will grow up and not fear regular bathing, dryers, nail clippings and grooming.

We also have a full line of equipment that you will need at home to maintain your pet between grooming. Our staff is willing to show you how use of this equipment to maintain your pet at home with a minimum of fuss.

Walk in Nail Clippings

We do nail clipping, while you wait, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM. If it is after 2:00 PM please call to see if we have a groomer on duty. We do require all dogs to be current on vaccinations. You may have your veterinary clinic either fax or email your records.

Call to schedule now:  (414) 352-0880

Email: [email protected]